- 1960年,一本记录了George和Joy Adamson夫妇养大狮子孤儿艾尔莎及放归野外的书《生来自由》,迅速成为世界畅销书,并于1966年拍成电影《狮子与我》生来自由是一个交换游戏,它真正改变了大家对人类与动物之间的关系的看法。而在于他们背后的真实故事Adamsons“与艾尔莎的生活。他们的日记,家庭电影,并详细记录,揭示他们开创性的工作,并与狮…
- 英国著名作家Terry Pratchett患上了阿兹海默症,逐渐丧失写作能力的人生对他来说毫无生存价值,于是他开始思考自愿选择结束生命的可能性,走访了曾经选择过或正在决定安乐死的几个对象并拍下了这部纪录片。片中你将亲眼目睹死亡。
- In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
- 1. 主题是第一次世界大战时中国向英国提供的14万劳工兵团,实际应算是英国军官指挥的准工兵兵团 2. 对盟军胜利作出重要贡献,但一直不为人所知。合同原是从事劳务,但实际承担很多危险任务 3. 英国对兵团的歧视不仅是他们只从事辅助工作,更有对中国人的种族偏见,没真把中国当盟友 4. 劳工在战后,因为有契约被迫留下干最苦的活。处境比…
- According to Aristotle, the best tragedies are conflicts between a hero and his destiny. They contain reversals of fortune, moments of recognition, and, ultimately, a catharsis. Dr. John Nash's life -- his early brilliance, his struggle with mental illness, and his slow, willful recovery -- is definitely the stuff of G…
- 影片讲述了传奇画家卡拉瓦乔一生及其主要画作,拍摄于米兰、佛罗伦萨、罗马等其居住过的城市。光与影、对比与矛盾、天才与放纵,标志了他的人生和艺术。本片通过现代化的、高度象征性的场景将卡拉瓦乔那使人着迷又困惑的内心世界外化出来,共同为观众塑造了一场令人兴奋又紧张的电影之旅。
- To mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Nina Ramirez tells the story of three books that defined this radical religious revolution in England. Tyndale's New Testament, The Book Of Common Prayer and Foxe's Book Of Martyrs are no longer commonly recognised titles. Yet, for over 400 years, these works formed the…
- We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects our health as much as our diet and whether we exercise. So what can we do to manage this internal clock better? To find out, evolutionary biologist Ella Al-Shamahi locks former commando Aldo Kane in an abandoned nuclear …