搜索 Aïna

  • Driving through the remote regions of Southern California, a group of friends are forced into a sickening game of cat and mouse, with a five ton dump truck. When looking for help, they stumble upon a family of cannibals, who take pleasure dismembering and eating as many of the kids as possible.The lucky few who escape,…
  • 作为“失贞类喜剧“的狂热者,18岁的她不顾一切地努力想要在毕业前夕成为女人。身边伴随着众多性欲旺盛的青少年,她跟别人上床似乎是件易如反掌的事。不幸的是,说的比“她做的”容易得多了……
  • 当一个生活不顺心的年轻男子同意为辩护律师照看一只流浪狗Toby时, 他也许想不到这狗改变了三个陌生人的生活. 狗, 人类最好的朋友, 为爱的人会付出常人难以想象的努力.Jerry尽管有些历史污点, 但他有副好心肠. 而律师Tom洞察这一切. 尽管他花尽心思为Jerry找工, 然而这孩子完全不主动,事情也没啥进展. 后来Tom发现Jerry去过驯狗学校后突…
  • “不”是玛丽亚诺·布拉特(MarianoBlatt)写的一首累积的诗,在一生中一直在写。这首诗的文本,一个“似乎是但不是”的列表,在几天、几个月和几年的时间里加入诗句,可以涵盖任何东西:图像、人、记忆、风景、短语、想法。爱德华多·威廉姆斯的电影《帕西》(Parsi)在脑海中回荡着这张单子,它发现自己在空间和周围的人中永无止境地运动着。…
  • 四个年轻女孩进入充满活力、享乐主义的柏林亚文化。17岁的贾娜娜靠制作网络色情作品赚钱。她最好的朋友,18岁的艾美,发现整个城市都令人陶醉,却没有意识到她正越来越深地陷入成瘾的循环。乔伊若有所思地想着爱情,而不是碰巧在卖毒品。16岁的阿比梦想去洛杉矶。
  • Shaamu falls in love with Raadha at first sight. As they grow close to each other, destiny takes another turn.
  • 2018SoulTrainAwards
    A music awards ceremony hosted by Tichina Arnold and Tisha Campbell-Martin, and honored achievements made during 2017 by musicians of color. The event was held on November 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • A man travelling to the United States meets a mysterious woman and gets wrapped up in an investigation when authorities mistake him for a notorious criminal.