- On a day of solar eclipse, five year old, Naina, loses her eyesight and her parents in a road accident in London. Twenty years later, she is bestowed with the gift of sight thanks to the marvels of modern science. Her period of darkness is over; or is it? A horrifying period of darkness begins. What is this curse that …
- 14岁的加布丽艾喜欢上了男同学吉尔,可不懂事的吉尔却一直闯祸,给别人的生活带来麻烦。他偷加布丽艾的钱,不时羞辱他,甚至还殴打老师。暴怒的吉尔爸爸把吉尔赶出了家门。加布丽艾不愿收留他,其他同学也都拒绝了他。于是吉尔流浪街头,最终还是加布丽艾向他伸出了援助之手,他们一起出走,躲进乡间,他们开始真正地恋爱了。但是,为了去更远的…