搜索 Adib

  • The streets of Casablanca provide the centerpiece for five separate narratives that all collide into one.
  • Diego (Jomari Yllana), a fisherman and husband of Pilar (Mylene Dizon), is accused and tortured for being a guerilla. Pilar begs the head of the garrison, Capt. Hiroshi Sugimoto (Kenji Motoki), for the release of her husband. Grateful for the conditional freedom of Diego and desiring to protect further her family, Pila…
  • 故事以回溯的方式写成,一个女人在阵亡将士纪念日时,站在墓园里,开始追忆往事。她原本是一个普通的漂亮姑娘,拥有一个一见钟情的爱人,一起组建了幸福家庭。但战争毁了一切,三个儿子们相继走上战场,她和儿媳们遭遇种种困境,流离失所。
  • 本作で監督デビューを飾った小川和也が、イスラエル人俳優のアクラム・テラウィを主演、共同脚本に迎えた心温まる人間ドラマ。ある男がようやく手に入れた愛車を盗まれ、その行方を追って主人公と仲間たちが東奔西走する姿をユーモアたっぷりに映し出す。本作には、アクラムの妻のジュリアーナ・メッティーニも出演。オフビート感覚で描かれる、…
  • A simple peasant, he discovers that the power of feudalism is an extension of colonial power, while their land taken away, go to jail, and tortured, and humiliated and lost his dignity and treated Bouhcp tools of repression by the representative gendarmerie, come from prison and able to get his gun, and there begins th…
  • 电影生活
    塞内加尔刚刚从法属独立出来,但是当塞内加尔人走商街头庆祝独立过后,我们很快就会发现,所谓的独立,只一种变脸花样而已。西方世界制定的金融政策依然控制着塞内加尔政府。政府里其中一位政要,Aboucader Beye,被人尊称为"El Hadji",从中获利来迎娶他第三位妻子。 此事招致大妻子伤心,二妻子因此也想要从他身上搜刮更多财富,而…
  • 19-year old Ah Loong is in charge of a street stall selling pirated VCDs. Ah Loong is an incurable romantic with a unique hobby – he loves to read and write poetry. Quite content to carry on being street bum, Ah Loong’s life takes on a sud…