搜索 Aliman

  • The sequel to the 1972 film Kaliman el Hombre Increible.btw. The DVD cover for this film seems to have images from the prequel. I think there are at least 3 films, but most info is in Spanish, so i can't really be sure.Expect a totally retarded cheap as chips Mexo-Explo kids film based on the fantastically succesful Ka…
  • Cannes Film FestivalYear Result Award Category/Recipient(s)1981 Won Best Supporting ActressYelena SoloveyNominated Golden PalmAlimantas Grikiavicius
  • 柏林电影节杰出个人成就银熊奖。「Tolomush Okeyev無疑是一個值得關注的導演、一個偉大的電影藝術家。他知道如何在獨裁政權最風聲鶴唳的情況下拍攝出完美的影片。無論是在內涵或是型式上都是如此。他迷人的人格特質讓他成為一個既思想開放又可愛的人」。 ~Tchinguiz Aïtmatov~
  • In 1990, a European delegation comes to Tirana to monitor the reforms of the communist regime. A government official is sent on a mission to a faraway prison in order to bring an important dissident back to the capital.
  • For the first time in Albania, a new law allows sex for married couples inside a prison in Tirana. Once a month, Elsa embarks on a long bus trip to visit her husband behind bars for gambling debts. Shpetim shares this monthly event: his wife has been locked up as well. Elsa and Shpetim get to know each other from their…
  • 1944年夏天,两名苏军战俘从纳粹的集中营越狱,他俩一位是立陶宛人,会德语,另一位是俄罗斯人。他俩在逃离过程中,慌不择路闯进了海边德军的度假海滩,这天正好是周日,他们发现自己身处度假的纳粹军官中,他俩费尽周折,用了整整一天才脱离险境...
  • The Second World War is ending. Widower Kasparas moves in with his brother Andrius, who lives on the other side of the bay where the German occupation has already ended. Andrius' wife Egne is still in love with Kasparas. Her relatives and a group of Lithuanian nationalists are planning on fleeing to Sweden. Egne persua…
  • 电影