搜索 Allaire

  • 一部根据回忆录改编:关于卢旺达种族灭绝的电影。从1994年4月到7月近100天,在非洲卢旺达约80万人惨遭屠杀,当时联合国委任的一位在卢旺达维和部队的将领--加拿大陆军中将罗密欧-达赖尔,在得不到纽约联合国总部和安理会支持的情况下,试图和少数几个士兵努力却无法制止卢旺达的种族灭绝暴行的记录。
  • 电影
    The exuberant enchantments of the singing, dancing musical meet the feminist, formalist sensibility of cinematic visionary Chantal Akerman in this uniquely captivating vision of love and survival in the age of late capitalism. Amid the consumerist wonderland of a shopping mall, a cadre of store employees bounce in and …
  • A young man goes to his father's home in Maine where, helped by a public registry, he locates and tracks down sex offenders. In parallel, his mother follows his trail in order to try to understand what could have pushed him into this murderous madness. based on a true story.
  • 通过一个的哥,我们的世界与一个紧张的电影制作人,一个前男友想看她的新乳房的律师,一个神秘的男人,一个可能是艾滋病阳性也可能不是的同志,还有一个在生日当天被男友放了鸽子的女孩发生了碰撞……