搜索 Alvés

  • The life of Brazilian soccer player, Garrincha, considered to be one of the greatest players of all time, with his uniquely original style. He had arched legs, a passion for women and booze. Also had a much talked extramarital affair with singer Elza Soares and died in relative decadence. The movie focuses on his zenit…
  • 1958年, 22岁还不出名的José Mojica Marins拍摄了他自编自导自演的首部长片<冒险家的命运>, 这是一部深受当时美国好莱污式西部片影响的作品, 然而片中所采用的配乐和风景依旧是纯巴西民间乡土风格. 此片在当时并不成功, 但现在却已成为难得一见的作品, José Mojica Marins此后以"Zé do Caixão"系列而…
  • An important part of Brazilian history, this is the story of Anayde Beiriz - as played by Tania Alves - poetess, journalist, teacher, a revolutionary in her time (the 1920s and 1930s), and known for her sexuality. Her great love for Joao Dantas triggered the assassination of Joao Pessoa, the Governor of Brazil's Parahy…
  • 少年巴特偶然发现了濒临绝种的蒙古野马,并与其中的头马冰羽灵产生了友情。英国威尔士自然保护区教授詹姆斯闻讯后偕同助手彼德、孙女吉蒂来到内蒙送马,在巴特父亲基利(牧场主)陪同下,他们选中了冰羽灵,并把冰羽灵带回英国驯养。巴特眼看和自己朝夕相处的冰羽灵离去,热泪盈眶......
  • 一个殡仪馆的职员发现自己已经死了,心脏停止了跳动。于是他开始过着朝圣者般的生活,只有死亡可以宽恕。
  • Bela Joven 常常会梦见自己被她的司机和男仆强奸,这种幻觉日益增俱。她决定求助于一名心理医生的帮助,可是面对这位病人,医生却有一种无法摆脱的莫名的感情...
  • La protagonista es una alemana de padre chileno que viene por primera vez para traer las cenizas de su padre y arrojarlas en la caleta y pueblo de Horcón. Ella sirve de testigo del pasado y de lo que ocurre en el tiempo de su viaje. En cie…
  • 根据巴西当代诗人João Cabral de Melo Neto的同名作品改编的电影,使用纪录片的拍摄手法创作一部故事片,有很多巴西东北部的美景及人们在艰苦环境中的忍耐和乐观,当然还能听到Chico Buarque de Hollanda的经典歌声。The story of Severino, a man who tries to escape the misery and the drought …
  • 87年嘎纳金棕榈提名。80年代巴西最佳社会写实题材故事片之一。The young Vinicius is a young saxophone player, from Rio's poor suburbs, facing an uncertain but perhaps promising future. One day his girlfriend suddenly disappears after a night of love under t…
  • "The Cost of Living" was shot on location in Cromer on the Norfolk Coast in England: a typical, old-fashioned and faded seaside resort. The summer season has petered to an end and an air of desertion hangs over the town. Eddie and David are disillusioned street performers. Eddie is tough, confrontational and …