搜索 Amca

  • 一支杰出的科学家们被招募到工作与秘密政府运行的项目称为“凤凰计划”,制定气候武器.鲍勃和汤姆特工亲手挑选了小队成员,他们都是世界上最好的和最聪明的.他们要创造以极低的频率传递方法,能导致地震,降雨模式的改变,导致干旱,创造了致命的风暴从稀薄的空气;但恐怖威胁不是小队唯一的挑战.一种致命的,报复性的雇佣兵被制造出来,并即将发起一场战…
  • Lili, a poor Chinese maid with dreams of emigrating to America feels trapped when her 'internet husband' seems unable to sponsor her. Her French expat employers, Francois and Louise, are caged in their deteriorating marriage. Beni, a black African working illegally in China is obsessed with finding the man who cheated …
  • 电影喜剧
  • After 27 years on air, this special release looks back over the lifetime of TV's longest running police drama, and goes behind the scenes in its final weeks of filming.This DVD contains the very last episode of The Bill that was released in two parts called Respect, followed by the special documentary called 'Farewell …
  • In 1991, Cameron Todd Willingham's three daughters died in a Corsicana, Texas house fire. Tried and convicted for their arson murders, Willingham was executed in February 2004 despite overwhelming expert criticism of the prosecution's arson evidence. Today, Willingham's name has become a call for reform in the field of…