搜索 AndyJ.Forest

  • 一行人乘船到一岛上游玩,一对夫妻入住旅店,丈夫想ML,妻子却不合作,于是丈夫上了隔壁女的床,此时的妻子陷入回忆。那是她的初恋,男兵女兵来到一处“生殖崇拜圣地”,壁画和塑像让她很难为情,而一个兵哥却借机向她示爱。   军营舞会上,再次与兵哥相遇,原来兵哥是侍者。兵哥闯入卫生间,由此两人开始了恋爱。兵哥开车带她到野外兜风,两…
  • Gianni is a political man with a good career waiting for him. Angela is his wife and she fakes an assault and a rape in a cinema. Eva is Gianni's lover and Angela's friend. Gianni and Eva decide to use the pretext of the assault to kill Angela. Later on Angela is blackmailed by a man who was present at her act. In the …