搜索 Anonymous

  • 电影冒险
  • Inspired by true events. A nine year old girl disappears and is later found murdered. The movie exploits the events leading up to the death of the girl, why did it happen? What lies beneath? Was the parenting of the young perpetrators to blame or was it their need to be seen. Are they even an invention of the imaginati…
  • 占领华尔街、反全球化运动袭卷全球,在伦敦的示威者纷纷带上有着一双细眼、山羊胡与诡异微笑的现代版盖伊.福克斯「V怪客」(V for Vendetta)的面具,维基解密的发起人亚桑奇莅临演说也戴了「V面具」,更引起示威者纷纷效尤,使得「V面具」俨然成为此波全球抗议示威中最独特的文化现象。导演布莱恩‧ 耐本伯格(Brian Knappenberger…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影
    A series of vignettes illustrating human captives being literally treated like animals by humanoid figures with animal heads - who or what exactly are these people?
  • Big Anonymous
    与 El Perro del Mar 的最新专辑《Big Anonymous》同时发行的还有同名恐怖/艺术短片。 这部影片是对无意识的狂热探索;面对悲伤、内疚、遗产和难以言表的爱的问题和数字--所有这些都以 El Perro del Mar 的音乐为背景。
  • 电影剧情
    A hacker exposes the criminal cover-up of a teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by a high school football players and ends up facing a harsher prison term than the rapists.