搜索 Arbó

  • Iacob lives in a small village in the Carpathian Mountains near a gold mine and tries to survive.
  • 巴西纪录片讲述巴博萨三姐妹的悲惨往事,先天性盲人在社会中遇到的种种不幸和歧视。Three blind sisters, Regina, Maria and Conceicao, earn their living by singing in front of churches, in Brazil... They tell their amazing stories, full of drama, heartache, rape, po…
  • A biographical study of Albert Einstein, with not only an analysis of his place in modern physics and in our understanding of the universe, but an analysis (through his and his wife's letters) of Einstein as a person. Never comfortable with human inter-relationships, he married first for love and the spoken intent to m…
  • 马科斯·阿纳曾在佛朗哥将军最惨无人道的监狱里为了活下去不得不挖野草吃。他做梦也想不到有一天自己的故事将成为西班牙最负盛名的一位导演下一部电影的主题。这位因参加共产党被捕并在狱中度过了23年的西班牙诗人的故事将由佩德罗·阿尔莫多瓦(Pedro Almodovar)搬上银幕。
  • 青年警探约翰尼•摩根(Andrew Cymek 饰)童年的记忆中曾留下难以磨灭的阴影,儿时在玩捉迷藏时,姐姐被当时声名狼藉的连环杀手“大坏狼”虏去,从此下落不明。这段记忆形成了折磨约翰尼多年的噩梦,为了抓住大坏狼,一度自甘堕落的他发奋图强,终于成为一名警察。某天,消失已久的大坏狼再次作案,约翰尼和朋友深入虎穴,最终捉住了这个臭名昭…
  • 意大利曾经手眼通天黑白通吃的神秘金融家 罗伯特卡维 Roberto Calvi ,突然在伦敦被发现在蓝白相间的大桥下上吊“自杀”。关于他的身前身后事被许多西方媒体报道,但是偏偏都无法深入。因为与他的银行过纵甚密的有:梵蒂冈教廷 Vatican ,意大利黑手党 Mafia ,共济会 freeMasonic P2,美国中情局 CIA 甚至 罗思柴尔德家族 Rothsc…
  • A television actor (Andy Dick) drinks too much and gets blackballed from the industry, and then he decides to break back in by directing his own movie. Eventually, he gets sober, and then falls off the wagon and goes crazy and turns his film into a musical. Written by CartmanKun@aol.com
  • Dramatisation of the Biblical story of Saint Paul. As Saul of Tarsus becomes Paul and sets off to spread the word of the gospel of Jesus, he is pursued by his once friend, Ruben, who now wishes him dead...
  • 电影恐怖
    阿抗(林申 饰)、西哥(于立桄 饰)和疯子(袁耀发 饰)是交往多年的好友,一次偶然中,阿抗遇见了名为萧然(朱虹 饰)的女子,萧然的美丽和开朗很快就吸引了阿抗的目光,对于兄弟的爱情,西哥和疯子自然要鼎力支持。感情曾经受到的伤害让表面开朗的萧然在背地里黯然神伤,可是,就在她最需要帮助和依靠的时候,阿抗却由于冲动和萧然的好友兼室…