搜索 AsaadAbdulMaje

  • 艾哈迈德在其爱人的家门口遭年轻的狙击手萨拉姆枪击,倒在海法街上奄奄一息,这条街是2006年巴格达最恐怖而危险的街区。那一天他正准备求婚,而萨拉姆阻止任何人靠近艾哈迈德对其施救。电影将以半封闭空间下令人窒息的剪辑,展现扑朔迷离的剧情走向和抽丝剥茧的人物关系,以及暴力统治下人们的悲惨境遇。
  • Qarantina is the story of a professional killer in Baghdad. He lives in an abandoned building with a displaced family, watching emotionless as they struggle. The father, Salih Abu Muhanad, takes out his frustration with a newly immoral society by blaming and abusing his unmarried, pregnant teenage daughter Meriam. Her …