搜索 Assita

  • Amy was born in France, but her real name is Aminata. With a white French father and a mother from Burkina Faso, she has always felt in-between, especially since she grew up without her mother. So when she lands in Burkina searching for a connection with her African family, she looks, sounds and feels adrift. Amy's ret…
  • 电影
    Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qui dévore tout ce qui tente de le pénétrer…
  • 十五岁的伊戈成长的世界,奸恶无大碍、台底交易是正常秩序。一天,父亲雇用的西非籍非法劳工堕楼垂危;父亲为免官非让他流血致死,且设法隐瞒真相。雇工临死前,伊戈许下承诺要照顾他的孤儿寡妇。自此,他无忧的世界崩溃,对父纯粹的效忠不再,罪疚感正义感又阳光又阴霾。达登内兄弟以欧洲当前时弊为剧情框架:移民潮、多种族杂居、非法劳工等。…