搜索 Bá

  • 电视剧剧情
  • 电影动画
    故事讲述了茫茫大海中的一个黑暗丛林里,年轻的男孩马可正在逃离可怕的巫师和他的猿猴军队。逃跑途中,马可偷到一颗能够在满月时分实现愿望的魔法钻石。但不久之后,名声狼藉的剑齿虎船长听说了这颗神奇的钻石,决定率领海盗团将这颗钻石夺走…… 史上亏损最多的电影
    Two singers want to enlighten a king’s cold heart... but end up in a curse.
  • İkiz Başpehlivanların Öyküsü: "Balaban"
    Our film is about the life story and wrestling adventures of Başpehlivan İsmail Balaban, the World Shalwar Wrestling Championship World Champion and Survivor 2021 champion, who won the gold belt in Kırkpınar wrestling, and his twin brother…
  • 忠诚的朋友
    La nuit du 13 novembre 2015, Christelle, comme le reste du pays est sous le choc. Le lendemain, elle prend contact en ligne avec plusieurs victimes directes ou collatérales et quand l’idée de créer une association de victimes prend forme, Christelle en devient la pierre angulaire. Mais elle vit dans le mensonge. Inspir…
  • 电视剧剧情
    林君(陈数 饰)和唐鹏飞(黄磊 饰)是坚定的丁克一族,夫妻俩都算得上事业有成,更难能可贵的是两人结婚十年感情还是一如既往。然而唐父(王志强 饰)的去世打破了他们平静的生活,唐父留下遗嘱让唐鹏飞生个孩子,夫妻俩陷入两难选择。历经了生活的种种,夫妻俩最终决定还是要生个孩子,但是几经努力,无果。机缘巧合,他们认识 了怀有身孕却惨…
  • 动漫经典
    继《古墓丽影》电子游戏的生存三部曲(2013 年的《古墓丽影》、2015 年的《古墓丽影:崛起》和 2018 年的《古墓丽影:暗影》)大获成功之后,此动画剧集将讲述这位环游世界的女英雄的下一篇章,以及她如何最终成长为那个经典的古墓丽影角色。在第一款游戏问世 25 年之后,劳拉·克劳馥仍在继续探索新的领域。
  • 电影
    A coming-of-age story about two adolescents facing racism in their adopted families, while confronting a society where immigration has become a divisive issue.
  • Kurban
    There have been intense clashes between security forces and separatist terrorist elements on the southeastern border of our country for years. İbrahim's only son İsmail, in his late forties, is doing his compulsory military service in this…
  • Suburban Fury
    On September 22, 1975, 45-year-old Sara Jane Moore took a revolver out of her purse and fired two shots at President Gerald Ford on a crowded sidewalk in San Francisco’s Union Square. This failed political assassination was destined to become a strange historical footnote, yet Moore is revealed as an extraordinary subj…