- On 8th March 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from radar screens while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport in China. Despite the efforts of governments and agencies five years on the mystery of what happened to this Boeing 777 and the 239 people on board…
- 本部记录片列举了你被上帝召唤前,一定要去享受的五十种天下美味,要不真的就妄走了人世一遭。影片用倒叙的方式从第五十位开始向你介绍这些美食:馅饼、鱼子酱、哈吉斯肠、挺举鸡/猪肉、tapas、烤牛肉、排骨、章鱼、水果梿、芒果、澳洲肉类饼、扇、kebab、驯鹿、barramundi、糕、寿司、鲨鱼、几内亚猪、鹿肉、鲑鱼、美国早餐、鱿鱼、墨西哥食物…