- A talented young woman from a rural village travels to the "Big City" of Johannesburg, South Africa to become a Star. She lands a role in a musical play about Zulu Queen Mkabayi, Shaka's Aunt and searches for her identity as a Performer, a Zulu, a Woman and a Daughter. Will she be able to keep up with her mor…
- 购买韩国原版翻拍 一个外星人降落在西班牙时期的地球上,500年后的现代时代, 爱上了一个顶级女演员。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Love_from_the_Star_
- Cadence Simon (Perinda Lowe), Conner Chase (Brendan O'Donnell) and Charles 'Ruckus' Sisper (Altorro Prince Black) journey to the location of a secret cult compound in search of two of their own. When they come under attack from an unknown force, they fortify and barricade themselves in a strategic position with an expe…