搜索 Berenguer

  • 导演大卫•瓦斯(胡里奥•查维兹Julio Chávez饰)筹拍一部描绘阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚高原和阿劳卡尼亚大区传奇“国王”的电影。筹拍工作困难重重,但最难的是寻找一位最合适的国王扮演者。历经辛苦,全部演员终于敲定,剧组出发前往阿根廷南部的巴塔哥尼亚高原开始拍摄。但正当拍摄任务接近尾声之际,制片人突然撤走资金,众人也被借住的孤儿院扫地…
  • I must confess that i had very low expectations about this movie. I thought that it would be a bad movie, boring and bad filmed....i was wrong. Los inquilinos is a very good indie horror movie. Its a low budget movie very well made, well directed and with cool scaring moments. Its a ghost movie in the tradition of the …
  • 根据陀思妥耶夫斯基的《地下室手记》改编的电影,由阿根廷新浪潮著名女剧作家Beatriz Guido改编。1982年奥斯卡最佳外语片阿根廷官方参赛片。Basada en la novela homónima de Fiódor Dostoievski, esta historia enmarcada en los conflictos sociales y políticos de la Argentina de lo…
  • Frank, a (HIV infected) former Lufthansa steward, goes back to Rio from Germany with a film crew to look for Mario, a young man with whom he had a one night stand. Before Mario departed the morning after, he left a message scrawled in soap on the bathroom mirror: 'Welcome to the AIDS club'. Frank and his director hire …