搜索 Bergé

  • 电影
    Three friends have sworn to remain virgins, fight regularly with the boys in their neighborhood.
  • A college student inherits a billboard sign business and inadvertently advertises her dating status while trying to sell ad space.
  • Emma falls in love with her new history teacher, Gabriel, who came from the big city to her small village together with his girlfriend. But he rather falls in love with her mother, Paula, who is also a teacher at that school. At first she does not respond to his love but when her husband, who is also a teacher at that …
  • 电影剧情
  • 占领华尔街、反全球化运动袭卷全球,在伦敦的示威者纷纷带上有着一双细眼、山羊胡与诡异微笑的现代版盖伊.福克斯「V怪客」(V for Vendetta)的面具,维基解密的发起人亚桑奇莅临演说也戴了「V面具」,更引起示威者纷纷效尤,使得「V面具」俨然成为此波全球抗议示威中最独特的文化现象。导演布莱恩‧ 耐本伯格(Brian Knappenberger…
  • A virus wipes out the whole of New York population, seven survivors enter a high school and record everything.
  • Crazy Horse疯马俱乐部始于1951年,以纯正法式风格和口味的浪漫艳舞而著称。其特色就是将裸体、灯光、布景与歌舞结合,营造出声、光、色、裸的“新境界”。位于巴黎中心金三角地区的疯马夜总会(CRAZY HORSE)由阿兰.贝纳丹( Alain Bernardin )创立于1951年。这个夜总会的演出,细腻的表达了情色之美,融合纯正的感官刺激,给人们留下具有创造性,…
  • 寂寞少年Marc生长在单亲家庭,一直暗恋着酷酷的邻家男孩Olaf。他画了很多关于他的画,幻想他们发展出恋爱关系。当两人某晚需要在外搭帐篷过夜的时候,机会似乎真的降临,可是它转眼又溜走了...
  • 史酷比和他的朋友们在一个动漫展上遇到了已经过气的动漫电影《蓝鹰侠》的主演。他发誓要为好莱坞抛弃他而复仇。不久,来自漫画《蓝鹰侠》的大反派海德先生真的出现了。他要破坏在动漫展上即将发售的新一期的《蓝鹰侠》。这时,需要蓝鹰侠现身了。但是这个超级英雄“演员”能打败真实的邪恶反派吗?
  • A subway station somewhere in the Northwestern hemisphere. Rush hour. An unattended baggage catches the attention of the passengers. Moments of insecurity pass. All of a sudden, a mass panic breaks out in the moving crowds. The stampede leaves its survivors perplexed: Was the bomb only ticking in their minds?