- 一年一度的柏林爱乐乐团森林音乐会在2008年夏季迎来了委内瑞拉指挥家杜达梅尔,以及一场火爆热烈的南美交响音乐会。查维兹的《印第安交响曲》,吉纳斯代拉的《芭蕾组曲》,女高音马丁内兹演唱了维拉-罗伯斯的《巴西巴赫风格曲》、法里亚的《西班牙歌谣》等。Chávez: Symphony No. 2 “Sinfonía india” · De Falla: Siete…
- Then this is your film. And even if you're not a pumpkins fan, you can certainly enjoy the live performances. The live stuff is fantastic, and the skits are humorous and fit in well. This is one of the best productions by a band I've ever seen, and I hope that Vieuphoria 2 comes out eventually.