搜索 Berthillot

  • 一个夜黑风高的夜晚,在那一边荒地的庄园里,到处充满着恐怖与血腥。一群特别怪异的东西在那儿晃来晃去的,让人不敢靠近,原来这就是传说中的异形人类。在庄园主的带领下,由几个不怕异形的年轻人组成了一支特别敢死队
  • 法國南部鄉邊,一個老實巴交的中年基佬,平日除了推銷農用器械便是找gay友打炮。平淡沉悶的生活在他碰巧救下了行遭侮辱的商場死對頭的女兒之後開始泛起不安的漣漪。少女16歲,正值懷春年紀,兩人無可避免的墜入瘋狂愛河,并私奔以逃離女孩家庭的困囿。一場荒誕不經的追逃戲在廣闊且滿溢生命力的茫茫原野展開。基佬面臨性向的重大轉變,少女被愛…
  • To boost the dwindling sales of the magazine where she is an intern, Alice, 23, comes up with a nationwide competition to adopt Victor, 85 and alone in the world.Guillaume, his wife Sylvie and their kids win the contest and the cash that comes with it. They welcome Victor into their home, despite Sylvie's initial reluc…