搜索 Birgel

  • 已近中年的漫画家罗特先生在二战结束后从瑞士返回到慕尼黑,眼睁睁看到曾经住过的奢侈无比的高档酒店,如今变成了一堆废墟。在感慨颇多的同时,更重要的是他想找寻曾经的恋人并且消除一些误会。然而一切早已物是人非,他最终会与恋人重归于好吗?当年深陷误会中的他能得到理解吗?那些误会里又会蕴含着怎样动人的故事呢? (豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.…
  • A beautiful and moving film with some sequences of song and dumb-show leaving the spectator spellbound...a mix of the German sense of poetry and doom and of something almost like Bergman's Seventh Seal. Fine black and white photography, proper attention paid to every detail. Minor parts are all remarkable and even Birg…