- 拥有不死之身的“鬼怪”金侁(孔侑 饰),为了结束自己无限循环的生活必需找到一位人类新娘,却在寻找途中阴差阳错与患有失忆症的阴间使者王黎(李东旭 饰)开始了奇妙“同居”生活,两人在遇到了传说中的“鬼怪的新娘”——一个“命中注定要死”的少女池恩倬(金高银 饰)之后,逐渐展开浪漫故事。
- The hunters are still on Morgan Locke's trail. As the latest closes in on him he finds an unlikely ally: one of Locke's victims, out for vengeance on the powerful vampire. Three hunters, with three objectives, in the final showdown.
- Chef and inventor Homaro Cantu helped put Chicago on the culinary map when he opened his first restaurant "Moto" and became a celebrity chef in his late twenties. A renowned inventor and social entrepreneur, Cantu innovated his restaurants and tackled big problems from Americans' love affair with refined suga…