- Everything comes to an end as Brooks becomes the new Satan, Granny Bob attempts to lead a revolution and Jodie Jupiter meets his fate. One last journey through a world of punks, zombies, cannibals, witch doctors and monster. Goodbye, SuperHell.
- Newly appointed Sheriff Kelly Jarvis quickly realizes the dried-up town of Golden Torch is past the point of saving. After a questionable shooting, resulting in two deaths, Kelly finds himself in the middle of a string of related murders. Instead of answers, Kelly's investigation only uncovers more questions. What is w…
- Bad Brains are one of the most important and influential American bands still working today. They melded punk and reggae into an innovative style that has yet to be copied. Their impact and influence can be heard in groups like Beastie Boys, No Doubt, Nirvana, Jane's Addiction and countless more. Despite the troubles o…
- TVアニメ『ファイ・ブレイン 〜神のパズル』2013年、第3シリーズ放送決定!「パズルタイムは終わらない!」2013年、『ファイ・ブレイン 〜神のパズル』第3シリーズの放送が決定いたしました!「ファイ・ブレイン」らしい、驚きに満ちた物語をお届けすべく、鋭意制作進行中です!新たなカイトたちの物語にご期待ください!「来年まで待ちきれない…
- 在第2季中,将会有新的敌人出现在主角大门界人的面前,故事将继续围绕“Orphism Order”和“Phi Brain”之谜展开,并且随着这些谜题的越发悬疑,界人的战斗热情也越发高涨。将会有怎样的命运等待着界人,界人与同伴间的羁绊又会如何呢?相信这一切都将会在第2季中得到解答。