搜索 Brana

  • 《BAFTA:A Life of Pictures》是一档访谈节目。著名的英国电影和电视艺术学院每晚会邀请到一位最抢手的和受人尊敬的演员来讲述他们的电影人生。2015年一共播出22期,海外放送由优酷独播。
  • A symbol of Nazi cruelty and a master of cynical propaganda, Joseph Goebbels was the mastermind behind Adolf Hitler's disturbing success.Goebbels, called the "genius of spin" and the "Reich-Liar-General," was a complicated man whose attitudes fluctuated between extremes of self-pity and grandiose ex…
  • 《与恐龙共舞》系列原班人马再度技惊全球!为您细述异特龙大艾尔的故事。数年前,美国怀俄明州发掘出一具惊世的化石,这具恐龙化石不仅已有一亿四千五百万年历史,科学家更讶异于化石的完整。他们从没有做过如此仔细的研究,科学家把各样资料整合后,对这史前生物有了前所未有的认识。现在,科学家借着BBC 《与恐龙共舞》采用的计算机绘图及动画…
  • 1665年9月5日,伦敦。瘟疫肆虐,到处弥漫着尸体腐烂的腐败气息。阴沉的天空,黑压压令人透不过起来。假发匠冷漠地安坐桌前,把自己反锁在店内。他摊开日记本,细细记录下周遭发生的一切。窗外,红发女孩的母亲刚刚离世,她的尸体如同草芥一般被随意包裹成一团,被几名运尸者扔进车内。红发女孩痛苦地与其撕扯着,一直到母亲的尸体渐行渐远。假发…
  • 害羞、患有失眠症的老烟枪彼得迈克高温是洛城当时很成功的剧作家,发表了一连串脍炙人口的作品先正遇到了十年来都未有好作品出陈的创作瓶颈。他的岳母一直在衰老中,一个陌生人正在附近漫步,邻居有一条一天到晚狂叫的狗,他的妻子想要一个孩子,但是他不想;他愈来愈无力了。一个单亲妈妈带着8岁的女儿版进了他隔壁房子的时候,他正在撰写一部…
  • This documentary focuses on 1939, considered to be Hollywood''s greatest year, with film clips and insight into what made the year so special.
  • Hosted by actor Kenneth Branagh, this Documentary showcases silent-screen actor Lon Chaney, often called "The Godfather of Horror FIlms", who was famed for the elaborate--and often painful--lengths to which he would go to make himself up for the characters he was playing. Included are clips from many of his f…
  • A documentary examining the early days of horror films, particularly those crafted at Universal Studios during the 1930s.