搜索 Brochorst

  • Realizing that her unknown biological father is probably alive, Sofia leaves behind a degrading and humiliating life and embarks on a journey with her naive half-sister Olivia, both girls hoping to find the caring father figure they so desperately need. They find Adam who suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. Ho…
  • 克里斯蒂安顺利通过了试用期,正式成为一名船员,他回家亲自下厨,打算与未婚妻好好庆祝一番,而就在此时,五年未见的父亲突然造访,将此前的平静彻底打破。克里斯蒂安童年丧母,父亲因而萎靡不振,父亲的好友彼得和汉娜夫妻俩收留了他,使他成为家庭一员。后来他与彼得的女儿特赖相爱,与彼得的儿子托比亚斯成为挚友。一天夜里,克里斯蒂安载托…