搜索 Broke

  • 电影剧情
    郑炳睿(肖央 饰)的宝贝女儿婷婷众目睽睽之下,遭神秘绑匪绑架,始终陪伴父女左右的李慧萍(佟丽娅 饰)与他一同展开救女行动。但狡诈绑匪轻松躲避警方负责人张景贤(段奕宏 饰)的密集追捕,更将救女心切的郑、李二人玩弄于股掌之间。绝望间,郑炳睿选择走上了一条通往地狱的救女之路,纵使化身“修罗”也不能放过伤害自己女儿的恶徒!殊不知…
  • 电影冒险
  • Five college friends spend a weekend at Broken Oaks, a remote family farm, where they become the targets of a sinister plot.
  • Git, Costello and Willa Lee are street poets, hip-hop artists and songwriters from north Dublin. For these young men self-expression in the form of poetry, rap and song has become a spiritual experience. Their aim is simply to articulate the chaos that surrounds them and to fight it with their words and voices alone. I…
  • 扭曲了和情感上一个凄凉的童年,一个施虐狂的蒙面连环杀手茎和折磨他的受害者,上演他的恋物癖和他的幻想在每一个毫无戒心的女人他带进他的地牢里。 他继续躲避着警察,凶手发现玩尖叫时你的玩具更有趣。
  • 电影战争
  • By 1945, the House of Commons Chamber lay in ruins. It had been destroyed four years earlier, on the worst night of the London Blitz. On the anniversary of that attack BBC Parliament is screening Bombed But Not Broken [2011] in which Mark D’Arcy tells the story of the bombing and subsequent rebuilding of the Chamber. W…