搜索 Buckman

  • 一名戴着弗雷迪·克鲁格橡胶面具的连环杀手在维吉尼亚海滩市制造恐怖,强奸多名妇女后杀害她们。她的受害者之一是美丽的塔拉·巴克姆(Tara Buckam)扮演的梅勒妮·贝克(Melanie Beck)。这名女子不再记得她过去遭受的暴力,但当连环杀手出现时,她的记忆将会回来,继续折磨她的精神,而不仅仅是肉体。
  • 无良女股票经纪人谁使用她的女性诡计获得有价值的资讯,土地在热水中时,她与一个父亲以及他的儿子有染。
  • 电影
    Scientists at a secret underground complex have found a way to travel to another dimension. Three dimension-travellers are the first to go through the gate - but are soon attacked by something that interrupts the communication with Earth. This horrible something uses the gate to travel back to the underground complex. …