搜索 Carreiro

  • 朱丽叶,一个13岁的女孩,很不情愿地被吸血鬼本救了起来,她把她从虐待的家庭生活中解救出来。本和朱丽叶形成了一种不同寻常的关系,因为他们之间的孤独使他们更加亲密。但是本过去的一个神秘的实体可能会破坏他们的关系。
  • Rabo de Peixe is a village in the Azores that is home to the largest collection of artisanal fisheries on the whole archipelago. Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel first came here at the end of 1998 to see in the New Year. After befriending a young fisherman named Pedro, they decided to make a film with him over the followi…