搜索 Centauri

  • 一部由多个小故事组成的影片。影片中的武打动作完全是真工夫的较量,没有搀杂电脑合成之画面。其中的故事惊险动人,武打效果更是一流,充分体现了豪侠风范,更值得一提的是群侠中的女豪杰也英勇无比,工夫了得。只要目睹其中一二,就会另你爱不释手……
  • Totally disgusting and cheap bawdy humor. I loved it!!! It is the most disgusting and totally horribly acted film, except for Nicolas Read, who plays an un-dead Court Jester, to comic brilliance. But being that as it may, I laughed so many times and I have to hand it to the film makers, it wasn't pretentious or ordinar…