- BeatMakers, a musical documentary, explores the lives of grass root producers with their own home studios and the obstacles they face while trying to establish themselves in the music business.
- 《地平线系列:被黑洞吞噬》讲述的是借2013年起天文学家观测气体云“喂”银河系中心黑洞的事情科普黑洞知识:银河系中心黑洞的发现、类星体=正在进食的黑洞(以及所以黑洞其实是宇宙中最亮的光源)、黑洞与其所掌控星系质量上的线性关系(0.5%)、因而黑洞主宰了星系的规模,对整个星系的形成当然也包括我们的存在实际上具有建设性作用。
- Hollywood, California is turned upside down by a series of strange and horrific murders creating chaos and turmoil in tinsel town. One particular victim is kidnapped, held captive and subjected to witness the torture and murder of numerous other victims. It is by her will, strength, and faith that she must survive the …