搜索 Cockle

  • Oh dear! - Poor Toad has been kidnapped. The blighter has been strung up and incarcerated in the cellars of Toad Hall, whilst an imposter has taken up residence on the Riverbank. And worse still, this scallywag has made friends with those dastardly weasels and they're hatching a plan to blow up the homes of Badger, Rat…
  • 当年轻的精神分析医师Lincoln Mathers举家从纽约搬到伦敦时,妻子发现了伦敦让人不安的过去,一种新的性征和力量时,也被远古的邪灵附身,整个家庭处于破裂的边缘。当妻子的行为变得越加暴力和古怪时,我们的英雄相信要拯救他娶的女人,他必须敞开心胸,相信那些他原本不愿承认的信仰