搜索 Coley

  • 出于绝望, 一文不名的牛仔Roper(Brett Brock)诱拐了一个富有的叫Goodie(Coley McCabe)的女人来勒索赎金. 不为他所知的是Goodie的丈夫及其情妇早已打算除掉Goodie, 所以他们拒绝交付赎金. Roper和Goodie逐渐发现他们的运气糟透了-- 直到他们陷入情网, 开始他们崭新的生活.
  • Theodora, Jody and Carol, collectively The Violas, are on tour when their van breaks down in a small southern beach town. The local police are investigating a mass of mysterious debris on the beach and the disappearance of a little girl's parents after she's found walking the beach in a state of shock. Scientist John P…
  • 本片根据美国70年代初起令堪萨斯州人心惶惶的连环杀手“BTK”的真人事件改编,现年60岁的凶手雷德(Dennis Rader)曾任城市法规督导员和教会高层,有妻儿。当他俨如学者讲学般叙述怎样“钓上”受害人,然后开枪、刺插或扼死他们时,令闻者不寒而栗。其间,他曾大胆在杀人后报警,挑衅警方.。
  • A feature-length documentary chronicling early 80's punk rock band the Minutemen, from their beginnings in San Pedro, California, to their demise after the death of singer D. Boon in 1985.
  • "Dr. Cyclops" is known as one of the better "early sci-fi" films, made in '39 and released in 1940. (It is also in color.) But while the story has potential and there are some good moments, this is a very confused film.The plot is simple - crazy mad scientist on some remote island can shrink animals…
  • 电影动作
    杰克•拉莫塔(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)出身于纽约的布鲁克林区。自小便进行拳击训练的杰克很快就在拳击界崭露头角,他因在比赛中出拳迅猛,打击对手毫不留情,表现得就像一头公牛,被称为“愤怒的公牛”。虽然杰克表现出色,但因为他为人耿直,不肯屈服于黑手党的安排,所以在当时他一直无缘于挑战拳王金腰带。在多次失意后,杰克终…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 一条通往死亡的河流,却是他们生命的泉源……   尼泊尔的湿婆神庙是印度教徒最大的圣地,教徒们每天在巴格马提河的火葬场举办火葬仪式,引领死者上天堂。当火葬场的火焰冉冉升起,围绕四周的孩童便跳入河中寻找死者遗留的钱币或其它财物。   河旁的火葬场对教徒而言是圣地,对孩童们却是游乐场、家与讨生活的地方。受不了贫穷的孩子便辗转至…