搜索 Crépin

  • Dancing on Broken Glass is the film that cinematized Slovakian traditional dance for the first time. Beautiful dance and music are stunningly presented to portray the innermost parts of what it means to be human. Life and death, hope and despair, love and farewell…It’s like a mosaic. This movie delicately shows us the …
  • One dark autumn night a journalist is murdered in Lulea. That leads Annika to an old attack on the airbase F21 in the late 1960s, when a young draftee was killed. More murders follow, and Annika is drawn into a deadly spiral of violence and terrorism that leads right up to the Cabinet Office and the Ministries.。
  • 千禧年三部曲的製作團隊改編麗莎馬克倫德(Liza Marklund)的系列小說作品。 一名高收視率的電視節目主持人遭到殺害,十名嫌犯在一座莊園被隔離偵訊,其中有犯罪報導記者的朋友與同事也身陷其中。
  • 金獎女星瑪琳克萍(Marlin Crepin)搖身成為一位犯罪記者,安妮卡班森。電影改編自麗莎馬克倫德(Liza Marklund)的暢銷系列小說。班森決定替一位女子洗清殺害警官丈夫與綁架孩子的罪名。
  • 千禧年三部曲的製作團隊改編暢銷作家麗莎馬克倫德的系列小說作品。犯罪記者安妮卡班森回去偵查一件脫衣舞孃命案,財政部長可能涉案,將引發一件政治醜聞。
  • 根據真實故事改編,喬爾金納曼(2011年金甲蟲獎最佳男主角)和瑪琳克萍主演。艾瑞克和依娃這對年輕戀人是彼此的慰藉,但艾瑞克卻不知道依娃隱瞞著可怕的秘密。