- Das junge Ehepaar Maria und Jan lebt zusammen mit seiner Tochter in einem kleinen Dorf in Thüringen. Nachdem Maria arbeitslos wird, nimmt sie eine Stelle als Köchin in einem Hotel im 300 km entfernten Berlin an. Liebesaffären auf beiden Se…
- A doctor suspends the life of a mourning lover and he is revived 200 years later.
- An innovative hybrid film about a real estate developer who mysteriously disappears into the Southwestern desert in 1992, leaving behind a series of VHS tapes. Without the aid of the police, his distraught wife hires a private investigator to track him. based on a true story, this dramatic narrative blends actual archi…
- In modern day London two rival gangs battle for supremacy, but with no clear victor a chance encounter with one gangs grandfather late at night adds a new spin. Now two sets of aging gangsters who have not seen the battlefront of gang warfare in three decades battle it out 70's style. Knee-capping, Chelsea Grins, and b…