- The film takes on a journey through the love story of Ram (Dhanush) and Janani (Shruthi) who are 12th standard students and eventually falls in love with each other. As they grow up, so does their affinity for each other, and despite opposition from the elders, they tie the knot. When they start a fresh life, problems …
- 靠骗取游客钱财为生的印度街头小混混阿贾,一直努力攒钱想带母亲去巴黎,可惜母亲没能等到这一天便去世了。于是,身上只有100欧元的阿贾带着母亲的骨灰踏上巴黎穷游之旅。为了省去住宿费,阿贾藏在商场的衣柜里,不料阴差阳错被运到英国,而后辗转流落到西班牙、意大利、利比亚……一段精彩非凡的冒险之旅由此展开。
- 靠骗取游客钱财为生的印度街头小混混阿贾,一直努力攒钱想带母亲去巴黎,可惜母亲没能等到这一天便去世了。于是,身上只有100欧元的阿贾带着母亲的骨灰踏上巴黎穷游之旅。为了省去住宿费阿贾藏在宜家的衣柜里,不料阴差阳错被运到英国,而后辗转流落到西班牙、意大利、利比亚……一段精彩非凡的冒险之旅由此展开。