搜索 Dijk

  • On the run after knocking unconscious a former friend who sexually assaulted her, Lucia encounters an virtual Artificial Intelligence Assistant device called Alex helping her to regain her life when Lucia finds out she is pregnant.
  • Goof and Hugo are flatmates in Amsterdam who have made a tidy sum from having sex with tourists, then robbing them. Their goal is to spend the money together on a world trip and their scam is going well until they meet Lara, originally from Siberia, whom Goof becomes besotted with.
  • Remco Albrecht, general director of "Albrecht Construct" and freelance womanizer, reluctantly celebrates his 65th birthday at the insistence of his wife Ineke. At his party, his rebellious daughter Lieke and her friend Merel appear completely drug induced. Merel is also the reason that Remco's son Tobias emba…
  • 55岁的单身大叔赫尔默(杰罗恩·威廉姆斯 Jeroen Willems 饰)生活在荷兰偏远的乡村,与一群牛、几只绵羊和两只驴作伴。病入膏肓的老父住在楼上的房间,一直由赫尔默照顾起居,父子关系紧张而冷淡。邻居艾达和她的两个儿子有时会造访他,奶厂的粗壮司机也会定期的来收购牛 奶(而且对他颇有好感),但不善表达的赫尔默一直安静的生活在自己的世…
  • 影片讲述的是一个令人愉快的家庭冒险的故事,07年在荷兰上映后取得了良好的票房。影片根据1924年发表的现在在荷兰家已经喻户晓的冒险小说改编,背景设置在17世纪荷属东印度群岛(今印度尼西亚雅加达一带),讲述了三个小伙子跟随班德固船长经历的种种冒险奇遇以及友谊和信心受到考验的故事(爱上了同一位美丽的当地姑娘)。
  • 九岁的安德鲁斯是一个郁郁寡欢的小男孩,他的父母虽是最出色的科学家,但是对于唯一的儿子似乎并不那么关心。为了科学研究,他们一家人每年都要搬家,甚至一年搬上几次。安德鲁斯对于这种漂泊不定的生活厌烦透顶,对于父母对自己的冷漠更使深感不安。没多久,一家三口再次搬到了另一个城市,而安德鲁斯也转学到了一个新的学校。在学校里,新的朋…
  • 周五的晚上,四个人被困电梯,他们必须自己想法脱身....