- The Midland Art Gallery is the home base for this erotic series starring Divini Rai as erotic photographer Marissa Johanson and Kaylani Lei as her pupil Allison Kraft. The series uses photographs and works of art to take episodic settings all over the world. This series is shot on location in Green River, Utah.
- 华山派大弟子令狐冲(吕颂贤 饰)生性放荡不羁,和古板严肃的掌门岳不群(王伟 饰)形成鲜明对比。令狐冲和岳不群的女儿小师妹灵珊从小就青梅竹马,各人都认为令狐冲日后将会继承岳掌门的衣钵。令狐冲虽然加入华山派多年,但武功一直平平,直到一次偶遇剑宗风清扬并被授予名震江湖的独孤九剑,令狐冲剑法大有进展。心胸狭窄的岳不群发现令狐冲武…