搜索 Dodina

  • A dark comedy chronicling the trials and tribulations of a small circus troupe who visit the West Bank. When a lion escapes the camp, an unlikely alliance is forged between Russian lion tamer Mariana (Evgenia Dudina), Israelis Sergeant Bleiberg (Yoram Hatav), and a young Arab boy (Yousef Ibrahim), who join forces in a …
  • In the early sixties, Hilik, a ten years old boy who lives in Tel Aviv, knows he and his brother got a goal in life - to make his parents happy and compensate for the grief and lost they had suffered in the holocaust. Moishe, Hilik's father, chooses to believe that his lost son, from his first marriage, didn't die in A…
  • Dans le Tel-Aviv des années 1930, en pleine effervescence culturelle, l'amour passionnel d'une actrice renommée et d'un jeune poète militant. Un vibrant mélodrame inspiré d'une histoire vraie.
  • Pinhas & his mother are new immigrants from Russia His mother barely makes a living working night shifts, she devotes her spare time to the affair she has with a married man. On the third floor lives a religious family, Pinhas is drawn to the warmth and unity that characterize this family there he meets a girl his age,…
  • 美国出生的以色列导演亚萨波隆斯基首部编导轻喜剧电影,入选2016年坎城影展,荣获「影评人週」发行资助奖。导演以幽默诙谐的手法讲述白髮人送黑髮人难以倾诉的无奈与悲哀。荣获坎城影展国际影评人週大奖的《儿子的完美告别》,谈起生离死别举重若轻,笑泪交织感动人心,不仅观众看完起立鼓掌致意长达五分钟,更获得评审团盛讚「悲喜巧妙结合,电…