- When a mysterious planet crosses the sun, global catastrophes are unleashed. A rogue scientist is the key to deciphering the symbols and humanity’s only chance at survival.
- Tenzin is a pious and an enterprising businessman loved and adored by his wife Peydey. The couple is doing extremely well when Tenzin is murdered by his elder brother Wangdue under the influence of Kardon, Wangdue's wife, who has excessive greed for wealth. The murder was committed in such a fashion that no one could h…
- A smug young monk embarks upon an intriguing journey only to discover that the wisdom he seeks is much closer than he imagines, and much stranger than he could possibly envisage. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Himalayas, Lodro battles the elements, braves the seductions of beautiful women, chases enchanted ch…
- 好评配信中的偶像培育游戏「偶像大师 灰姑娘女孩」,在本游戏内进行展开的「灰姑娘女孩剧场」,化身TV动画崭新登场! 我们所熟悉的偶像们,今天也是有着大事件!? 平常所未能描绘的偶像们的休息日的度过方式,以及偶像之间的滑稽小剧场等等。将会缤纷多彩地带来这些的High tension短篇动画,终于即将开幕?@
- サマーフェスから1か月が過ぎた頃、346グループ会長の娘で、米国の関連企業から戻ったばかりの美城常務がアイドル部門の統括重役として赴任する。成果が上がるまでの時間がかかりすぎている346プロの現状を問題視する常務は、全プロジェクトを解体して白紙に戻し、有望なアイドルを見定めて彼女らを中心に据える346ブランドの強化案を実行に移し…