搜索 Donado

  • During the night, a 30-year-old woman wakes up and tries to remember her life from her teenage years until the present day. But her dreams mix up with her memories.
  • Having been sold by her family to be the bride of a controlling billionaire, Actually searches for a way out.
  • Following Coca-Cola's hugely successful 'Polar Bowl' campaign in 2012, Animal Logic was approached by Scott Free and CAA Marketing to animate a 6-minute short to headline Coca-Cola's 2013 global campaign. Directed by John Stevenson (of Kung Fu Panda fame) and co-directed by Animal Logic's David Scott, the subtly brande…
  • 热带丛林中,属于人类的皮包顺流漂下。一只猴子捞起书包,粗暴蛮横地乱翻一气。突然,它发现了一个剃须刀。联想到不久前硕大的推土车戕害森林的情境,猴子气不打一处来,不知出于怎样的想法,猴子用剃须刀将全身的毛剃干净,随后穿上衣服搭乘公交车进城。它伪装成人类的模样从上班族做起,凭借机灵的头脑和疯狂的干劲儿,很快成为这座公司、这座…
  • 政府腐败蛇鼠一窝,清廉注定无运行。杀无赦的法官终于敌不过「时代洪流」,遭贬谪后又不幸遭流弹射中,成了哑子。他不甘吃黄连,要找出真凶,那可是仇家?桉件结下的樑子八百,他认定那八百中之一,找上贪警,像唐吉诃德傻瓜式单打独斗。一如前作《十月的神蹟》,韦加兄弟以小人物乖行告诉你国家问题有几深重,明明绝路一条,再走下去就是黑黑的…
  • 电影剧情
    片讲述了Casper和Dominic这两位最好的朋友,彼此非常信任对方.在缅因州一个农业小镇里,他俩随着年龄的增长走向了不同的路,在丰收季,Casper开始在墨西哥边界与其"父亲"Clayton走私毒品. 与此同时,Dominic正在忙碌着丰收土豆,仅为赚更多钱买一辆车将自己带向更美好的未来.但随着Casper的生活逐渐暴露出真相之后,他们的友谊和忠诚…
  • Creepy Clips Vault 2 is the second in Creepy Clips trilogy. It contains two erotic horror stories titled -