搜索 Earl

  • 电影生活
  • 电影
    A renowned painter who rose from an impoverished past, must confront his once highly abusive addict father, La’Ron, after 15 years of distance between them. Although La’Ron claims to have been reformed by his new relationship with Christ, …
  • 动漫动画
    2006年,为配合NDS版(钻石、珍珠版)的上市,TV动画同步推出全新系列《神奇宝贝钻石 珍珠》(Pokémon Diamond Pearl,简称DP)。对战开拓区篇结束后,小遥为了独自挑战城都地区的华丽大赛和小智告别,小胜回到了橙华道馆,小刚也回家去了。小智则受到了小茂的激励,独自带着皮卡丘和偷渡的长尾怪手前往神奥地区挑战联盟。  新登场的女主角小…
  • 电视剧剧情
    甄珠(江铠同 饰)从小就渴望成为一名服装设计师,并且一直在为了实现理想而努力的奋斗着。一次偶然中,甄珠邂逅了名为何至伟的男子,何至伟是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,家财万贯,两人相互吸引坠入了爱河。他们的这段感情受到了何家人的强烈反对,但是甄珠和何至伟爱的真挚而又深沉,顶着长辈们的压力,他们还是携手步入了婚姻的殿堂。让甄…
  • 动漫经典
    继《古墓丽影》电子游戏的生存三部曲(2013 年的《古墓丽影》、2015 年的《古墓丽影:崛起》和 2018 年的《古墓丽影:暗影》)大获成功之后,此动画剧集将讲述这位环游世界的女英雄的下一篇章,以及她如何最终成长为那个经典的古墓丽影角色。在第一款游戏问世 25 年之后,劳拉·克劳馥仍在继续探索新的领域。
  • Van Morrison and guests captured live in concert at the Beacon Theatre in New York City on 30th November 1989.
  • Jebadiah lived on his land for many years. He worked the land, and kept it alive. Jebadiah also hated trespassers. When he died defending his right to remain on his land, he was buried there. That was a month ago. Now there are strangers on his land again, and they want to make his land their own. Jebadiah still hates …
  • SYNOPSISHan Kang-uk is a Taekwondo master. His girlfriend, Yeon-hwa, betrays him, and takes off to Hong Kong with the Japanese Hashimodo. Hashimodo was once Kang-uk's friend and they even rod ocean liners together. When Kang-uk hears that Hashimodo and Yeon-hwa are doing well in the mob underground in Hong Kong, he goe…
  • 来自菲律宾的同志佳作,纯情少男,遇上帅哥兄弟,校园内外,慾望被觉醒,但意想不到的真相,却在不远处快将被揭破。口碑甚佳的一部亚洲作品,恋上第一个真正的朋友,纯真会否从此消逝?高材生 Felix 终日埋首学业,希望藉此脱贫,他没有朋友,有时会寂寞。一天,学校来了一位新同学 Magnus,他跟弟弟 Maxim 二人都跟 Felix 成为了好朋友,F…
  • Jeff is bullied at school and online. It all becomes too much, and then the tables are turned on the bullies.