- A scheming con artist poses as innocent babysitter "Amber" to steal from Ted Hooper, a wealthy occult enthusiast with a reclusive son named Kevin. Her crew arrives to clean out the house just as Kevin stumbles upon one of his father's most prized artifacts and unwittingly summons a trio of witches known as Th…
- Greg Vincent is a struggling, alcoholic writer who has suffered a terrible loss in his life and is looking for inspiration for his next story. During this difficult time, he encounters a strange being from out of this world. Could this possible be the basis for the perfect story which could jump start not only his care…
- Best friends Lucy, Eva, Ashley, Beth and Margot have a sleepover like any other - until murder joins the party. A tale of friendship, betrayal, madness, and the search for some decent dick.
- 杰拉德回到了一个外省小镇,在那里他回忆起他与当地妇女相处的快乐时光。她们似乎都还在,所以他邀请她们到他的酒店房间来维护下他她们的关系,有几次女仆米琳也加入了他们。