- A young seminary student seeking self-knowledge inadvertently finds himself attending a sex addiction support group. It is there that he meets Hilary, an unhappy young mother taken to meeting strangers via Craigslist. Over the course of the afternoon, the two develop an affectionate yet complex relationship, helping ea…
- Oliver and Grace have been best friends for years. Everyone wonders why they have never been a couple, and suddenly, so do they. After a passionate weekend in the country, they attempt to go back to their normal lives, but Oliver's new fiancee has her own agenda. It is not long before both Oliver and Grace are forced t…
- An agent invites his young starlet to a party, to meet all the right people. A chance to move on from the commercials she has been doing, to bigger roles and maybe stardom. However while she is there, she realizes there is a price to pay...