搜索 Etta

  • 电影
    富士见市某经营热带鱼的商店,居住着社本一家三口。户主信介(吹越满 饰)在妻子去世后不久便娶了美丽的妙子,此举令女儿美津子大为不满,因此家中的气氛总是压抑凝重,妙子更是小心翼翼,生怕因自己惹出事端。某晚,美津子因在行窃被超市所扣留,社本夫妇匆忙前往,多亏热情的陌生男子村田幸雄出面方得以脱身。村田也是一家热带鱼商店的老板,…
  • 动漫生活
  • Aspettando Re Lear
    Synopsis Alessandro Preziosi directs and stars in a new stage version of King Lear, in which the characters of the Shakespearian masterpiece move within sets entirely composed of works by the great artist from Biella Michelangelo Pistoletto. In this way, the interpretative space becomes a sort of gigantic and evocativ…
  • 电视剧
  • Danny is a long-term insomniac. He comes across an ad for the Audible Lucid Perceptions sleep clinic, run by the peculiar Dr. Zovnig, and goes in for a consultation. The doctor gives him a small audio device, which generates brain-frequency-altering audio waves, intended to hypnotize Danny into a dream state. Upon the …
  • 电影剧情
    在一个陈旧的小工业城市里,张冬生从小生活在一个社会的普通家庭。父亲张复兴对张冬生有着无微不至的关心,但两人却总发生矛盾与摩擦。 张复兴的债主贾义时常会跑到家中来讨债。某天张冬生认识了邻居安琪,两人的关系愈走愈近,张冬生却喜欢上了这个女孩。一次偶然贾义见到了安琪,张复兴在贾义的逼迫下,帮助贾义强暴了安琪。张冬生发现后与好…
  • After years of living in Jaffa, Efi comes back to Acre, her hometown, following the death of her grandfather. There she meets Karen, a teacher who is married with two children. An unexpected but deep romance begins between the women, keeping Efi in Acco, prompting her to rethink her plans and pulling her to revisit her…
  • On the run after knocking unconscious a former friend who sexually assaulted her, Lucia encounters an virtual Artificial Intelligence Assistant device called Alex helping her to regain her life when Lucia finds out she is pregnant.