- Kirik Party is the story of a gang of mischievous students, led by the protagonist Karna (Rakshit Shetty), who have just joined an engineering college. They belong to different streams of engineering but develop a bond while staying together in the hostel. The treatment is stylish with light humour throughout while exp…
- Now in its seventh season, the popular performance series The Met: Live in HD has brought the Metropolitan Opera’s world-class productions to a whole new audience via live video simulcasts skillfully captured with multiple high-definition …
- Prakash (Madan Puri) and Ranjit (Anwar Hussain) are criminals engaged in various nefarious activities. One day they are arrested in Ranjit's home, leaving behind Ranjit's wife, Shanti (Sulochana) and child, Dev. Shanti relocates to a friend's (Mumtaz Begum), who also has a child by the name of Salim. Years past, Dev (R…