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  • In the sleazoid tradition of such S & M exploitation classics as S.S. Nazi Love Camp and Salon Kitty comes Red Nights of the Gestapo (aka Le lunghe notti della Gestapo). Return to the depths of WWII Nazi depravity, as Hitler's Secret Service pulls in 12 gorgeous women to entertain the Deutschland upper crust with kinky…
  • 麦奇是个春风得意的律师,爱情、事业、家庭事事顺利,房子、金钱、朋友什么都不缺,从不为生活烦恼过什么。然而美好的一切突然被完全打破。一天,麦奇意外跌倒,送去医院后不详的预兆一个个发生了,由于病情非同一般,他住进了医院,结识了一个患癌症的孤苦老头。渐渐的,麦奇发现自己与老头的病状惊人地相似,对于死亡的恐惧在麦奇的心里日益膨…
  • Tom Green is a comedian who likes to go around and pull pranks on everybody. Among his most famous is putting a cowhead in his parent's bed, suckling a cow's udder, throwing plastic babies onto cars...etc. The show is half talk show and half documentary. Written by Me
  • 讲述了四个小罪犯在1873年在犹他州的冒险和旅行,他们包括赌徒和骗子Stubby Preston,怀孕的妓女小兔子O'Neal,酒鬼Clem,还有一个精神失常的人,名叫Bud,他对死人很着迷。这四个人漫无目的地在犹他州的荒地上寻找食物、水和可以诈骗的人,同时他们被一个名叫查科的墨西哥流氓骚扰,这个土包子发誓要报复这个土包子的性侵犯兔子。
  • 艾薇丽娜(Luigi Montini 饰)的父母经营这一家餐厅,艾薇丽娜从小就是在美食和厨具的环绕下长大的,成年之后,艾薇丽娜最大的理想就是成为一名像父亲一样的大厨。一天,艾薇丽娜在电视上看到了著名厨师费尔南多(西格弗莱德·劳奇 Siegfried Rauch 饰)的表演,被他的厨艺深深的折服,背着父亲,艾薇丽娜来到了费尔南多所在的巴塞罗那,进入他…
  • Cristiano is unemployed, desperate and hasn't any hope to help his autistic brother Lucio. One day Cristiano take the decision to submit Lucio as candidate to participate at a Tv Show called "Operazione Speranza" (Operation Hope)as the final solution to sort out their problems. But the day Cristiano is taking…
  • 瑪蒂娜從義大利來到美國找弟弟路卡一起度假。在荒涼的沙漠公路上,兩人好心讓車子拋錨的西恩與傑米搭便車,想不到西恩與傑米竟是殺警搶犯。為了躲避警方的追查,西恩與傑米挾持了瑪蒂娜,要求路卡為他們運送三百萬贓款。路卡迫於無奈,只得聽從。然而禍不單行,途中贓款又被辣妹夏希給偷走。 夏希原是脫衣舞夜總會的紅牌舞孃,因受不了黑道男友…