搜索 Fátima

  • 雇主是一个来自中产阶级家庭的年轻人,他过着现代生活,与传统的农村生产者大相径庭。但他面临着一个紧迫的问题——他的孩子的健康。雇员则比他年轻,急需找到工作来养活自己的新家庭。这部电影讲述了两个年轻人之间的关系,以及他们在幸福、自由和工作之间的纠结与博弈。
  • 本片讲述了在地狱般的卡萨布兰卡,一场车祸使得摇滚歌手拉尔森和拉杰结缘并陷入爱河的故事。他们都经历了不可言说的创伤,但都被摇滚乐拯救。拉尔森的蛇纹吉他音色和拉杰的好嗓音如此契合,但前提是他们得克服重重阻碍:拉杰不会深陷毒品,拉尔森不被音乐皮条客所迷惑。对于这对朋克版的罗密欧与朱丽叶来说,或许答案就藏在他们一起写的歌里:“…
  • based on the hugely popular Upin & Ipin TV series, it sees the five-year-old twins interact with human actors, and tells the story of their diehard fan, a young orphan named Aqish, who imagines them being real. Aqish discovers that the owner of the land on which her orphanage is built has returned to claim it back, and…
  • 电影记录
    阿富汗导演 Hassan Fazili拍摄的作品,全片由三台手机拍摄完成,记录下镜头中一家人在3年多的时间里跨越3500英里却仍未完成的神奇旅程。
  • If you were to ask a group of film experts which country is currently the least appropriate setting for a hilarious, truly wacky romantic comedy, the chances are that Saudi Arabia would come out on top. But their guesses would be wrong, as Barakah yoqabil Barakah provides more than enough evidence to the contrary. He’s…
  • Documentary examining Germany's economic power and the automobile industry at the heart of it. Across the world, the badges of Volkswagen, Audi, BMW and Mercedes inspire immediate awe.Even in Britain, where memories of Second World War run deep, we can't resist the appeal of a German car. By contrast, our own industry …
  • 顶级大厨第十五季
    A diverse group of chefs enter the Top Chef kitchen in Denver and are immediately put to work, tasked with making a pot luck dish to introduce themselves to the judges and their fellow competitors. Then the cheftestants prepare their modern take on a meat and potatoes dish for a blow-out block party in Larimer Square w…
  • 日本游戏音乐发展
    Diggin' in the Carts highlights the composers and influence of Japanese video game music