搜索 Fanelli

  • 故事讲述了一个野心勃勃但无能的侄子接管了富有贵族叔叔的财产和女人,包括他的妻子、女儿和女佣。
  • 本片中的一家罗马穷人纯粹是无恶不作的刁民,欺诈、通奸、谋杀、淫乱,什么都干。大家长失去了左眼,从政府那里获得一百万里拉的补偿,他的亲戚想给他下毒,而他自己则花天酒地,甚至把妓女带回家。他酗酒、吹牛,还拿着手枪威胁亲戚。那些亲戚们如同是歌剧里的合唱队,步调一致对付他。他那十多个孩子似乎都被困在这个贫民窟里,前途无望。  …
  • 影片根据意大利共和报记者菲黛丽卡·安洁莉的真实故事改编而成,她冒着各种威胁深入调查了罗马的黑手党。菲黛丽卡决定将她的一生奉献给民事诉讼,打击在她所居住的奥斯提亚地区肆虐的黑手党家族。她手中的笔杆一直也将永远是她最强大的武器。电影讲述了菲黛丽卡从2013年开始对抗黑手党的真实过程与挑战,直到今天也没有结束。随着一系列事件的转…
  • In 1955, a insane patient left his room, walking to the children's ward. There he killed three children while they were asleep. Now, a group of paranormal investigators will go into the asylum where the killer's ghost supposedly still lies.
  • In hope of getting his hands on the famed diamond known as the Codix Stone, Jack Wells joins a group of archaeologists out to explore a newly discovered tomb in Egypt, that of the cursed king Neferu. When the Mummy of the king returns from the dead seeking human victims, Jack is in for the most horrifying experience of…
  • 夜色第二季
    该剧描述一档午夜节目《Nightcap with Jimmy》的幕后故事,负责邀请名人嘉宾的Staci(Ali Wentworth)一方面要应对功能紊乱的工作团队,另一方面要满足无数名人嘉宾的古怪要求。已确定在剧中亮相的名人包括:Gwyneth Paltrow、Sarah Jessica Parker、Paul Rudd、Kelly Ripa、Debra Messing、Whoopi Goldbe…
  • 夜色第一季
    该剧描述一档午夜节目《Nightcap with Jimmy》的幕后故事,负责邀请名人嘉宾的Staci(Ali Wentworth)一方面要应对功能紊乱的工作团队,另一方面要满足无数名人嘉宾的古怪要求。已确定在剧中亮相的名人包括:Gwyneth Paltrow、Sarah Jessica Parker、Paul Rudd、Kelly Ripa、Debra Messing、Whoopi Goldbe…
  • 佛朗哥,一位富有魅力的企业家,与妻子劳拉处于危机之中,把激情与女儿们放在一起。
  • Simonetta Stefanelli stars as Lucrezia Borgia in Luciano Ercoli's version of the early life of this fascinating historical persona. If the accuracy of the historical facts may be drawn into question, Ercoli certainly cannot be contested in his attempt to bring all the more sensational and lascivious details to the scre…