- Following the events of Halloween Resurrection and the death of Emma's father (John Tate), Emma and her friends take a road trip to Haddonfield to uncover family secrets that her Father kept hidden to protect her. What or who was he hiding her from?
- 詹姆斯是富有女性的高薪护航。在理论上听起来不错,但在实践中,没有那么多乐趣。詹姆斯讨厌他的工作,下班后导致一些激烈的饮料。今晚,他领导一个破旧的盘后联合呼吁og酒馆。这是错误的酒吧在错误的夜晚。万圣节和两个强盗打扮成狼人打电话来。然后事情变得很麻烦。——由兰迪·史密斯写的
- It's about Carl, whose life has crumbled, and who now exists as a shell of a man. His wretched existence is punctuated by the loss of his wife and all of the emotional scarring that has created. It's also about Emily, who is not well herself. She may be slightly schizophrenic and manic depressive, but she's doing fine …