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  • In modern day London two rival gangs battle for supremacy, but with no clear victor a chance encounter with one gangs grandfather late at night adds a new spin. Now two sets of aging gangsters who have not seen the battlefront of gang warfare in three decades battle it out 70's style. Knee-capping, Chelsea Grins, and b…
  • 电影
    利兹(帕翠西娅·维拉奎兹 Patricia Velasquez 饰)是一个性格热情奔放的女孩,在当地的各大派对上总是能够看到她光芒四射的身影,相对的,她也从来都不流连于稳定的情感关系之中,喜欢辗转与不同的伴侣之间,四处留情。每一年,利兹都会前往加勒比海滩为自己举办盛大的生日派对,那一天,她将是众星捧月的女王。然而今天和往日有所不同,利兹经…